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Eta Beta Rho


How to Organize a Chapter of Eta Beta Rho

National Scholastic Honor Society for Students of Hebrew Language and Culture

Purpose of Eta Beta Rho:
To recognize outstanding attainments in study of Hebrew language and literature, to stimulate study and research in this field, and to promote an understanding and appreciation of the culture of Israel.

National Sponsor:
Eta Beta Rho was founded in 1960 by the National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning in order to encourage high achievement in Hebrew studies. The Association continues to act as sponsor for the Society and appoints a national Coordinator of Eta Beta Rho.

Membership in this Society shall be based upon scholarship. Undergraduates must have completed at least 12 credits of Hebrew with an 3.0 average. They must rank not lower than the highest 35% of their class in general scholarship and shall have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of the college course. Graduate students are chosen among those with at least 3.5 average in Hebrew.

See Chapters of Eta Beta Rho

Procedure for Organizing a Chapter:

  1. The chapter should be organized under the auspices of the department offering courses in Hebrew. The department will designate a faculty advisor. He shall draft a constitution on the pattern of the model Eta Beta Rho constitution, which follows.
  2. The department should direct a request for recognition of the chapter to the Coordinator. Accompanying the request should be a copy of the proposed constitution and the name of the faculty advisor.
  3. Recognition will be granted by the National Association of Professors of Hebrew Executive Committee through the Coordinator of Eta Beta Rho.

Suggested Chapter Projects and Activities:

  1. Sponsor lectures and other cultural events
  2. Encourage expansion of Hebrew studies
  3. Tutoring project
  4. Publish a Hebrew magazine
  5. Information on scholarships and advanced study
  6. Placement assistance in part-time positions
  7. Encourage study in Israel

Model Chapter Constitution

Eta Beta Rho (initials representing the Hebrew word, "Eber")

To recognize outstanding attainments in the study of Hebrew language and literature, to stimulate study and research in field, and to promote an understanding and appreciation of the culture of Israel.

National Sponsor:
Eta Beta Rho was founded by the National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning in 1960 to encourage high achievements in Hebrew studies. The Association continues to act as sponsor for the Society and appoints a national Coordinator of Eta Beta Rho.

Article I

  1. Eligibility: Membership in this society shall be based upon scholarship. Undergraduates must have completed at least 12 credits of Hebrew with an 3.0 average. They must rank not lower than the highest 35% of their class in general scholarship and shall have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of the college course. Graduate students are chosen from among those with at least a 3.5 average in Hebrew.
  2. Honorary members may be chosen on the basis of their scholarly distinction or notable contributions to the field of Hebrew culture and literature. Undergraduates are not eligible for honorary membership.
  3. The society shall have a faculty advisor chosen from the departmental staff of the college. She/he will have a tenure of one year and may take recommendations to the society but cannot vote. All faculty members of the Hebrew division shall be invited to join.

Article II
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President (Nasi), Vice-President (Sgan-nasi), Secretary (Mazkir), and Treasurer (Gizbar). The members of the Executive Committee for the following year shall be elected individually at the last meeting of the school year.

  1. The President presides at meetings and is responsible for conducting the business of the chapter.
  2. The Vice-President presides at meetings in the absence of the President.
  3. The Secretary shall keep minutes and records and conduct correspondence. Each year, the Secretary will make a report of the activities of the chapter to the Coordinator of the National Honor Society. The report shall include the names of the new members and of the officers of the chapter and news and items of interest concerning the activities of the chapter.
  4. The Treasurer shall be in charge of the finances of the chapter.

Article III
Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of the members. The presence of 20% of the active members shall constitute a quorum.

Article IV

  1. An amendment to the constitution may be proposed to the Executive Committee by any member. The Secretary will notify the members of the proposed amendment before the meeting at which the amendment will be discussed. The votes of two-thirds of the voting members of the chapter are required for ratification of an amendment.
  2. The Chapter shall comply with the standards established by the National Association of Professors of Hebrew and those established by the University for student organizations.


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